Doktor Jan Nedělník prezentoval BIOEAST HUB CR a jeho činnost na workshopu pořádaném 25. 5. 2022 a zaměřeném na cirkulární bioekonomiku a zúčastnil se rovněž panelové diskuse.
On 22 June EUBP invites you to a networking event in Brussels at the Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Rue Montoyer 47, 1000 Brussels).
On the 27th, 28th and 29th June, the Horizon 2020 MicrobiomeSupport project is organizing a free, 3-day on-site conference
We are happy to announce that the online Info days on the Horizon Europe Missions will take place on 17-18 May 2022.
17 May 2022 | 14:00-15:30 CET RSVP via Zoom Registration
31 May, 15-17 CET Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU, Rue Guimard 11/13, Brussels 1040 (map)