
BISC-E Challenge 2022 invites you to participate!

We are very happy to announce that the applications for the Biobased Innovation Student Challenge Europe (BISC-E) have started. At this stage, each country that wants to participate should appoint an institution (national coordinator) to manage the national student applications.

It is very important to encourage small teams of students from all over Europe to express their innovative ideas on the circular Bioeconomy. In this regard, as it is already well known, the Biobased Industries Consortium has adopted the BISC-E Challenge with the goal to host at least 20 EU and EAA countries in the 2022 competition. Therefore, your country is officially invited to join.

Challenge steps: National and European Finals

Each country is to participate with a selected national student team. Ideally, each country should have a national competition among BSc- and MSc-student teams from various universities of applied sciences. The national winner will then represent your country in the European Final this Autumn. 

In case you are unable to run a national competition, we propose a transitional solution i.e., the country could appoint a national student team to participate in the European Final. 

Participation is open to teams from all universities of applied sciences in your country and thus not limited to those that are BIC members. The Regulations for participation can be found at BISC-E.

Winner Prizes 

The European Final among all national winners is coordinated by BIC who also covers the eligible costs, including money prizes for the winner: first, second and third prizes. You can see the full First Prize package here.



The Conference on Synergies in the Research and Innovation Funding in Europe, to be organised by the Czech Presidency in the Council of the EU, will take place from Thursday, 7th July to Friday 8th July 2022 in Prague, Czechia, as a lunch-to-lunch event.

Drones Utilization for Crop Protection Webinar

on behalf of all the organizers, please accept the invitation to the Drones Utilization for Crop Protection Webinar
The webinar is scheduled on 13 May at 10 AM CEST.

new website of the CBE JU

new CBE JU website: On this new site, you will find the most recent information about the partnership, its funding opportunities, our 140+ finished and ongoing projects, as well as CBE JU’s achievements in advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe.

In particular, we would like to draw your attention to these sections of the website:

-          Open calls for proposals will feature all open funding opportunities. The first CBE JU call for project proposals is expected to open in the second or third quarter of 2022.

-          Manage your project is the information hub for all CBE JU-funded projects. Find in this section all the guidelines, FAQ and other relevant documents, previously featured in the Project Management section of the BBI JU website.

-          Achievements will promote the success stories of projects funded by CBE JU.

-          Projects is currently linking to the webpages of 140+ CBE JU-funded projects and will be revamped in the next design phase of the website.

Other sections of the website feature information about CBE JU, news, events and vacancies.

Thanks a lot to those of you who supported the development of this website with your feedback. It helped us greatly tailor the website to your needs.

We hope you like the website and find it useful in your work. Lastly, we are always eager to improve and would welcome your feedback to Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript..

Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors competition

Young Europeans (18-35 years old) residing in the EU who have experience or an interest in the bioeconomy/bioeconomy-related fields (food systems, forestry, climate change, blue economy, …) are encouraged to apply!


The aim of the webinar is to give up-to-date information on newly opening research and innovation grants related to the biomass production and processing.

Newsletter Interreg Central

The world is changing fast and cooperation will be central to cope with all the challenges ahead.

Mind4Machines Open Call Launch event

First Open Call will be launched on April 27, 2022.


BIOEAST HUB CZ reflektuje Evropskou Zelenou dohodu a novou Evropskou strategii bioekonomiky a je koncipován jako národní sdružení stakeholderů.

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EU flag BIOEASTsup logo

BIOEASTsUP project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and innovation under grant agreement No 862699

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