National projects
The members of BIOEAST HUB CZ implement a whole range of projects that develop the topics of the bioeconomy:

The Association of Research Organizations implements projects supported under the 4th ETA TAČR BE IN Challenge ( aimed at supporting the bioeconomy in MSP as an opportunity for restarting and increasing competitiveness.

Inovace ZVT
Cooperation in the transfer of technologies (, we provided case studies for secondary school students focused on innovations in the field of bioenergy, food processing and agriculture, we developed training and dissemination materials.

The Association of Research Organizations implements the PlatformaAVO+ project (www.CZtee.EU/platforma) supported by OP PIK - Platform Cooperation, the aim of which is to develop a road map of applied research focused on digitization and bioeconomy.

Bioenergetika ZVT
The project for the promotion and popularization of bioeconomy ( has developed online materials for secondary schools focused on composting, biogas, or biomass.

The Czech Technological Platform of Plant Biotechnologies implements the ČTPRB+ project (www.rostlinyprobudoucnost.EU) supported by OP PIK - Platform Cooperation, the aim of which is to develop a road map for the support of plant biotechnologies.

Půda, kompost, život
A national project focused on composting and soil revitalization, project outputs included attractive websites, articles in professional journals, as well as training for policy makers.