TWG Bioeconomy Education

Bioeconomy Education

BIOEAST HUB CZ is coordinating the macro-regional TWG - working body of the BIOEAST initiative

Bioeconomy offers a realistic opportunity to reconcile economic growth in a sustainable way and within an environmentally responsible frame. This development requires an interdisciplinary approach to research and innovation, for the implementation of innovative solutions achieved by a new generation skilled expert. In these perspective, tailored bioeconomy education and training are important to enhance the transition to sustainable development.

The Foresight Report highlighted the structural problems in the BIOEAST macro region, the lack of human resources in higher education and research is one of the main bottlenecks to accomplishing the goals of the European Green Deal. The BIOEAST Initiative fully acknowledges the importance of the coordinated approach and tackle the issue of bioeconomy education in the BIOEAST macro region, the Thematic Working Group Bioeconomy Education and Skills was established in 2020 to meet the specific macro regional education needs of the BIOEAST macro-region.


  • Estonian University of Life Science
  • The Agricultural University – Plovdiv
  • Agronomic Faculty Zahřeb
  • Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania
  • Polnohospodářská Univerzita Nitra
  • University Ljubljan
  • Ministry of Agriculture Poland
  • Ministry of Agriculture Hungary
  • Ministry of Agriculture Czech Republic
  • Ministry of Education and Science Bulgaria
  • Ministry of Education and Science Croatia
  • Vytautas Magnus University -
  • Agriculture Academy -

Involvement in the bioeconomy education
The Mission of the Academy is the cultivation of the community spirit, partnership, and long-standing traditions in line with the global, scientific, and political trends for the development and dissemination of knowledge in the agricultural biotechnology, ecosystems, engineering, and social sciences to support the sustainable development of bioeconomy and rural areas. Vytautas Magnus University & Agriculture Academy are able to do more „step by step“ with global changes and innovations by sharing innovative ideas, experiences, and results of our research and education.

Success story & good practice
Vytautas Magnus University is proud to implement a unique international joint master's study programme “Agri-Food Business Management”. This program was designed together with Latvian and Estonian partners: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies & Estonian University of Life Sciences. This program is designed to prepare professionals capable to work in fields related to the food supply chain, to manage agricultural and food industry organizations.

Scientists of Vytautas Magnus University have contributed to the creation of the “LITHUANIAN BIOECONOMY STRATEGIC PROVISIONS”.


Our activities:

TWG BE EDU is enhancing international cooperation, we are supporting BIOBec Education Centre focused on Eastern Europe, we are enhancing national thematic working groups of education in the BIOgovNET project.

The network of Bioeconomy University was established in the Western, Southern and Northern part of Europe six years ago, the BIOEAST University Network was established in December 2022 as a structural part of the BIOEAST Thematic Working Group on Bioeconomy Education and Skills in Prague on the international conference "Bioeconomy Education: A BIOEAST Perspective" organized In Prague under the auspices of the EU Czech Presidency, December 8, 2022.

We are also active on the national level - buidelines case study & E-map for SMEs to support the implementation of bioeconomy innovations in cooperation with R&D organisations.

Do you want to join us?

Please get in touch and contact us. We are looking forward to welcome you in our TWG!

Do you want to know more?

Thematic SRIA of Bioeconomy EDU

Thematic Study of BE Edu

Brochure Fresh Water BBE

Policy Expert Discussion Report 2024